☛ Do you, family members, or strangers have a difficult time understanding what your child says?
☛ Does your child become frustrated when he/she is not understood?
Your child may be a candidate for articulation/phonologic speech therapy. Our licensed and certified speech-language pathologist will assess and analyze your child’s speech sounds for errors and error patterns with an individualized treatment plan to follow. Research shows early intervention of speech sound errors leads to increased speech intelligibility at a younger age.
General Speech Milestones
☛ 75% intelligible in conversation with unfamiliar listener by age 3
☛ 100% intelligible by age 4

We are an elite pediatric speech teletherapy service
Now accepting clients in the state of Florida

Results-driven sessions in the comfort of your own home and your child’s natural environment

Consistent therapy no matter how busy life may get

Your therapist is available to share in your triumphs and coach you through any challenges along the way

Bundle packages available

☛ Does your child have a diagnosis that is associated with developmental language delays?
☛ Does your child have difficulty following directions at home or at school?
☛ Does your child have difficulty answering questions about his/her day?
☛ Does your child have difficulty expressing his/herself effectively?
☛ Does your child have difficulty asking for what he/she wants or needs?
☛ Do you/teacher have academic concerns for your child regarding oral expression, listening comprehension, reading, and writing?
Your child may be a candidate for language therapy. Our licensed and certified speech-language pathologist will assess and analyze your child’s receptive (what he/she understands) and expressive (what he/she says) language skills with an individualized treatment plan to follow.

☛ Does your child have difficulty recognizing letters and their associated sounds?
☛ Does your child have difficulty understanding the concept of rhyming words?
☛ Is your child able to blend sounds to form simple words?
☛ Is your child able to recognize sight words?
☛ Is your child able to understand what he/she reads?
Your child may be a candidate for reading intervention. Our licensed and certified speech-language pathologist will assess and analyze your child’s phonological awareness, pre-literacy, and literacy skills with an individualized treatment plan to follow.
Your child may benefit from the Lindamood Phoneme Sequencing Program (LiPS): a multi sensory program using systematic and individualized teaching to improve phonological awareness, decoding, spelling, and reading.

☛ Does your child repeat parts of words or whole words in high frequencies?
☛ Does your child get “stuck” when trying to speak?
☛ Is your child aware of these disfluencies?
☛ Does your child demonstrate specific bodily movements/motions during moments of disfluencies (finger tapping, eye clenching, body rocking, etc.)?
☛ Have these frequent disfluencies worsened in frequency and length over time?
☛ Do any family members have a history of stuttering?
Your child may be a candidate for fluency therapy. Our licensed and certified speech-language pathologist will collect a spontaneous speech sample and analyze the nature of disfluencies and overall impact of the child’s ability to communicate effectively and efficiently, with an individualized treatment plan to follow.
☛ Does your child have difficulty following both simple and complex directions?
☛ Does your child have increased difficulties paying attention and following directions in noisy environments?
☛ Does your child demonstrate delayed response time (long pauses) when answering both simple and complex questions?
☛ Does your child have difficulty following conversations?
Your child may be a candidate for auditory processing intervention. Our licensed and certified speech-language pathologist will assess and analyze your child's ability to process various levels of stimuli across different contexts with an individualized treatment plan to follow.